Background/ Project description
The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) with assistance from the World Bank is implementing the Sustainable Procurement, Environmental and Social Standards Enhancement Project – SPESSE. The project development objective is to develop sustainable capacity in managing procurement, environment and social safeguards in the public sector. SPESSE is conceived on the need to bridge the gap between insufficient supply of quality professionals in the procurement, environmental and social sectors and the lack of academic programs and curriculum in these sectors in the Nigerian education system. The cornerstone of SPESSE implementation is the creation of Centers of Excellence (CE) in Nigerian Universities to deliver a series of capacity building tracks in a sustainable manner in procurement, environmental and social standards. Key stakeholders are involved in the strategic design of the tracks and will be engaged in their implementation.
This capacity development project is strategically and operationally planned in an aligned and coordinated manner across all tiers of government and involve all stakeholders (national and sub-national government, development partners, NGOs, private sector, etc.). The project is linked to a real-time performance and change management program, which will ensure the elevation of capacities in Nigeria with full reliance on technology, including E-learning tools and facilities.
ES 2. Project Components
SPESSE has 2 components:
Component 1: Technical Assistance and Support to Implementing Agencies.
This component will provide technical assistance to implementing agencies, including procurement of ICT systems and operational support (through Disbursement-Linked Indicators (DLI)
Component 2: Establishment and Operating the Centers of Excellence.
Component 2 will finance the setting-up of the Centers of Excellence (CE) and support their roll-out based on DLI-based payments.
Component 1 is composed of the following sub-components:
- Technical Assistance and DLI-based
Support to BPP, EA Department and FMWASD
- Technical Assistance and DLI-based Support to National Universities Commission (NUC)
- Technical Assistance to NUC for the Campaign for Change
- Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Finance (MoF)
Component 2 is composed of the following sub-components:
- Funding support to the CE to facilitate project startup
- DLI-based support to operating CEs
ES3. Objectives of the ESMF
ES.4 Rationale for the Preparation of the ESMF
Activities under the proposed project are expected to have low environmental and social impacts, which can be readily mitigated through an environment and social impacts assessment process. The ESMF is the desirable instrument to be prepared prior to Board appraisal, because the locations and site-specific activities for the rehabilitation works planned to be carried out within the component 2 are not known in detail at this moment. It provides guidelines and procedures to be followed in undertaking site-specific Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) during project implementation phase.
ES.5. Environmental and Social Risks in the Project Implementation
The environmental impacts identified at this stage are preliminary in nature and will need to be further elaborated in terms of potential (likelihood) for occurrence and severity when the exact locations and sub-projects are known.
Environmental risks
- Poor handling and disposal of debris will cause air pollution and also deface the natural aesthetic
- Use of and movement of heavy-duty trucks transporting materials such as sand or stone to CoE sites may obstruct traffic flow and cause injury.
- Poor handling and disposal of e-waste materials generated from procured ICT systems may cause air pollution and also deface the aesthetic of the CE
- Burning of e-waste and debris as a disposal/management procedure may increase the risk of global warming and climate change
Social Impact
- During project preparation, potential GBV risks were identified and design measures for mitigating these risks have been imbedded into the project. Sexual harassment in institutions, sexual assault and verbal and physical harassment were among the risks identified.
- There may not be equal gender opportunity to entrance and participation in the PES program either as students or as resource persons due to gender sentiment and sexual exploitation. Women and girls may be vulnerable to the process by reason of their gender, thereby deepening marginalization and loss of confidence in SPESSE.
- The project footprint is envisaged to be relatively small and short term. Both skilled and unskilled laborers are expected to be sourced from local and surrounding communities. The likely labor risk may include health and safety of workers during the minor renovation/rehabilitation work at the Centers of Excellence, but also general labor working conditions and the protection of female workers.
- The ICT systems procured with funds from WB may be susceptible to theft
Occupational and public Health Impact and Safety:
- Air pollution from poor waste management may cause intravascular acute respiratory distress syndrome to workers and the public in general.
- Rehabilitation activities could cause occupational hazards and injuries including risk of falling from height.
- Dust particulate emissions and welding works from rehabilitation site may cause health concerns (e.g., respiratory and eye impairment) in workers and the public.
ES 5. Institutional framework, Laws and Regulations/Procedures
Administrative Framework – In Nigeria, the power of regulation of all environmental matters is vested in the Federal Ministry of Environment (FMENV), hitherto, the now defunct Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) that was set up by the Act of 1988.
Relevant Policies, Regulations & Acts – An outline of some of the relevant regulatory instruments for EIA is given as they relate to the Federal, State and International implications.
Federal Policy/Legislation
- National Policy on Environment, 1989 (revised 1999)
- Workmen Compensation Act 2010
- National Gender Policy 2010
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) ACT 86, CAP E12, LFN 2004
- Land Use Act (1978)
· Other FMENV Regulations
The Federal Ministry of Environment through former FEPA also has the following regulations, policies and guidelines:
- National Guidelines and Standards for Environmental Pollution Control in Nigeria
- National Effluent Limitations Regulations S.I. 8, 1991, lists the parameters in industrial effluents and gaseous emissions and their limitations and standards of discharges into the environment
- National Pollution Abatement in Industries and Facilities General Wastes Regulations S.I. 9, 1991 requires every industry to install anti-pollution abatement equipment to treat effluent discharges and gaseous emissions to the standards and limits prescribed in Regulations S.I .8
- Management of Solid and Hazardous Wastes Regulations S.I.15.
Environmental Protection Management of Solid and Hazardous Wastes Regulation
(S.I 15, 1991) (FMENV)
- Harmful Waste (Special Criminal Provisions, Etc.) Act – CAP H1 L.F.N. 2004
- Regulations Gazetted as supplementary to NESREA Act
State Legislations – In order to protect public health and safety, and to restore and enhance environmental quality, and sustain economic vitality through effective and efficient implementation of environmental programmes, the States have State Ministries/EPA.
Applicable International Legal and Administrative Instruments – Some of the relevant international instruments to which Nigeria is a signatory include:
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992)
- Agenda 21 – United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.
ES6 Relevant Environmental and Social Standards of the World Bank and their Applicability to the Project
- ESS1 Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
- ESS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
- ESS10 Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure
ES.7 The Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
is a detailed plan and schedule of measures consisting of a set of generic mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures to be taken during the implementation and operation of the proposed project to eliminate negative environmental and social impacts, offset them or reduce them to acceptable levels as shown in table ES 1 with a more detailed table shown in chapter six. The Plan is necessary to minimize, mitigate or control any potential negative environmental and social impacts identified under the SPESSE.